Over the past several months, Zenab Bastawala and Ben Evjen _ the Graphic Design faculty_ have created a unique collaborative opportunity for our students. From January 25 – February 24 of 2021 our students have been working virtually with international partners to create posters, tickets, and flags based on regional research.
Each student began their process by investigating their respective country’s politics, history, methods of travel, and entertainment. This content was then exchanged between international partners and synthesized by the students.
American research transfers to an Indian student and Indian research transfers to an American student. This exchange of information aided in understanding another culture from the viewpoint of a unique individual.
The world is one big melting pot where empathy and understanding are key. This collaboration provided the students with a unique opportunity to practice those skills. The final outcomes were A2 size posters.

In order to build connections while living in divided societies and isolated living conditions due to the current pandemic, students from Srishti University, Bangalore, India and from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, United States will communicate across oceans and continents to the other side of the world.
An opportunity for understanding cultural similarities and differences, as many will have never met someone from the other country, much less a peer design student. However, because the communication between these groups of similar ages, similar education, and similar situations will allow for new thinking, and anticipate them moving beyond design-based concepts and towards human-centred concepts.

Explaining Armenian students about Devanagari letterforms

The Cultural Exchange workshop at TUMO, Yerevan, Armenia. The concept of the workshop was based on Devanagari letters it highlighted letterforms of Devanagari script, It provided the methodology used in classifying letters and describes freehand lettering using several lettering tools. Making strokes/techniques with different media’s (ink, chalk, paints, markers, and brush) on different mediums/surface (paper, acrylic, and metal sheet). In addition, it also comprised of a demonstration on truck letters found on trucks in India, students were thought the Hows of this style of lettering. And were taught the combination of two scripts (Armenian and Devanagari) lettering as well. Making a backside of a truck as an installation. This hands-on workshops and letter development with texture, patterns and mode was a fun based learning. It intended to provide clarity to draw Devanagari letters and focuses on the understanding of Indic script with learning the diversity of it. The final installation was divided into many forms like tape instalment and t-shirt stencil printing as 3d from.

Sign walk workshop was conducted at Lowerparel one of the busiest suburbs of Mumbai. We did a two-hour walk spotting the old and new hand-painted signs. Mostly it was Devanagari script along with Marathi. Because it was a trader street we spotted a lot of colourful signs with different letterforms with shadows, patterns and effects. After that the students transformed their favourite signs characters into their own letterforms, the workshop also followed with some lettering techniques, letter transfer technique, and shadow development. The goal of the workshop was to create letters from the environment and learn the art of hand paint signs crafted without any technologies in good old days.
NIFD Type + Fashion Workshop

Type talk at International Institute of Fashion Design- Ahmedabad. The talk was designed for fashion design students about how to integrate type and typography into their designs. It focused on the historical elements like art and architecture including different era, eg. Victorian, and Roman. The style of Victorian letters gave a good fashion exposure to the students, as one can see from the images that some ornamental types were transformed into fashion illustrations. The talk opened up many ideas related to the stylistic approach to design clothes. Later The it was followed with some calligraphic expression of illustrations and letters to make them understand the relation in more wider sense.